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10 Jahre Modular Buildings: Interview mit LEGO Designer Jamie Berard

Stadtleben 10255 zum Party-Preis! | © Andres Lehmann

Heute vor zehn Jahren erschien mit dem Café Corner 10182 das erste Modular Building, zu Jahresbeginn folgte mit dem Stadtleben 10255 das bis dato größte Set der Reihe: Interview mit LEGO Designer Jamie Berard.

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Am 1. April 2007 kam mit dem LEGO Café Corner 10182 das erste Modular Building auf den Markt. Und aus Anlass des zehnjährigen Jubiläums erschien mit dem Creator Expert Stadtleben 10255 („Assembly Square“) zu Beginn diesen Jahres das bis dato größte Set der Reihe. Verantwortlich für das neue Gebäude zeichnet sich einmal mehr Jamie Berard, Design Manager für LEGO Architecture und Creator Expert.

Stadtleben! | © Andres Lehmann /

Im Interview mit wirft der Amerikaner einen Blick zurück auf zehn Jahre modulare Gebäude – und erklärt, wie zahlreiche Ideen für den Assembly Square im Team entwickelt wurden.

Vielen Dank an Jamie für die Beantwortung der Fragen – und an dieser Stelle unseren herzlichen Glückwunsch zu diesem fantastischen Jubiläum! Wir hoffen auf viele weitere Gebäude – damit die Stadt immer weiter anwachsen möge.

Jamie Berard | © Andres Lehmann /

Happy anniversary: ten years of Modular Buildings, wow!

It’s amazing how quickly ten years has passed – and yet at the same time, it also seems like a lifetime ago that I was working on the Café Corner. 🙂

Café Corner | © LEGO Group

What has been the biggest challenge in creating the new Assembly Square?

The fun thing about developing Assembly Square is that everyone wanted to contribute to it. That was wonderful, but also gave us a fun challenge of filtering through all the feedback with some good editing.

Another challenge for us was trying to fit three buildings into one set. Originally we wanted to split the buildings, so that you could reconfigure them, but it proved impossible without compromising on the stability and expression. In the end, we still managed to accomplish a different layout and feel that hopefully feels fresh.

So, finally we have a square with three buildings for the first time – which one of those is your favorite building, and why?

I particularly like the bakery building with the dentist office and fan apartment. The initial concept for the entire model actually started with the bakery window and then continued up to the corner round window above. I’m a big fan of using animals for ornamentation, so adding the chicken on top was a special treat.

Eine riesige Torte: Mahlzeit! | © Andres Lehmann /

The LEGO apartment is so much fun to build – this could be the most fun part of creating this set, am I right? Or the dental surgery?

Ooh, tough call. I think both of them are great. One of the advantages of having so many creative people around is that I get a lot of inspiration and help from my colleagues. The fan apartment was conceptualized by Morten from the Creator 3in1 team. In case it wasn’t obvious from the details in that room, he’s a life-long LEGO fan.

Eisenbahn-Loop! | © Andres Lehmann /

Routineuntersuchung? | © Andres Lehmann /

Tiago, who is also from the Creator 3in1 team, came up with the amazing dentist chair. Clearly he did some fine research while creating it because his smile is quite nice. 😀

LEGO Designer Jamie Berard und alle modularen Gebäude in der Übersicht | © LEGO Group

Rückblick auf 10 Jahre Modular Buildings

Parisian Restaurant 10243 | © Andres Lehmann /

LEGO Creator Expert Detektivbüro 10246 | © Andres Lehmann /

Die LEGO Creator Expert Brick Bank 10251 ist der Hauptgewinn! | © Andres Lehmann

Modular Buildings | © Andres Lehmann /

Andres Lehmann

Einst mit LEGO City und der 12V-Eisenbahn durchgestartet, Sammler von Creator Expert, Ideas, Architecture und City Modellen und baut gerne MOCs, die hoch hinaus gehen.

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