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Interview with Jamie Berard Lego Creator Expert Designer: ‚We dream big!‘

Interview with Jamie Berard, Design Specialist for Lego Creator Expert | © Andres Lehmann

Jamie Berard is Design Specialist for Lego Creator Expert. At the Skærbæk Fan Weekend, I was able to talk with Jamie about great sets like the Ferris Wheel, his job and… visions: Video.

At the Skærbæk Fan Weekend 2015, I had the great opportunity, to do an interview with Jamie Berard, Design Manager Specialist Lego Creator Expert. Jamie has created such great models like the Ferris Wheel or the Parisian Restaurant – and many more during the last ten years he works at Lego.

So I talked with Jamie about the Modular Buildings, the fairground, his job as a designer, his big step from Boston to Billund – and brick visions for the future.

It was also great to see, that Jamie was studying the great MOCs at the Fan Weekend and was talking to many AFOLs, who have come to this big event in Denmark.

In the middle: Jamie Berard (Chief Designer Creator Expert) and next to him  John Ho (Creator) | © Andres Lehmann

In the middle: Jamie Berard (Chief Designer Creator Expert) and next to him John Ho (Creator) | © Andres Lehmann

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Andres Lehmann

Einst mit LEGO City und der 12V-Eisenbahn durchgestartet, Sammler von Creator Expert, Ideas, Architecture und City Modellen und baut gerne MOCs, die hoch hinaus gehen.

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