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Toy Fair 2016: Lego City ‚Fun at the Park‘ comes with a Baby Minifigure!

A Baby! | © Andres Lehmann /

Toy Fair news: The Lego City set „Fun at the Park“ (60134) is a great set with many minifigures – and a baby! Also for the first time, we see a Lego minifigure in a wheelchair: Images.

Do you have a town? And you think, a few more minifigures would be great for your city? Then ‚Fun at the Park‘ (60134) ist the right thing for you.

It comes with 14 (!) minifigures and one baby minifigure – for the first time (okay, except the squaw of the Minfigures Series 15).

Toy Fair Updates also on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube or Instagram.

A first: One of those minifigures is sitting in a wheelchair. There is a carousel for the kids, a table for picnic, a goal – this is park life! (Remember Blur?)

This set will be released in summer – it is a great one.

Please do not copy our images without permission!

Park Life | © Andres Lehmann /

Park Life | © Andres Lehmann /

Man in a wheelchair | © Andres Lehmann /

Man in a wheelchair | © Andres Lehmann /

It is buggy-time! | © Andres Lehmann /

It is buggy-time! | © Andres Lehmann /

Andres Lehmann

Einst mit LEGO City und der 12V-Eisenbahn durchgestartet, Sammler von Creator Expert, Ideas, Architecture und City Modellen und baut gerne MOCs, die hoch hinaus gehen.

2 Kommentare Kommentar hinzufügen

  1. Wie cool ist denn bitte das Baby?! Wird gekauft!

  2. Wondering if Lego might release/donate some of the Lego figurines in a wheelchair for our Holoprosencephaly conference in Dallas Texas July 12-16th. We would like it to be part of our Guiness Book world record…the most number of individuals with Holoprosencephaly in one place at the same time each with a Lego mini figure in a wheelchair.
    Can someone help us with this?
    Thank you
    Heather Rinard
    Families for HoPE board

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