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Toy Fair 2016: Lego Technic Claas Xerion 5000 Tractor – presentation video

Lego Technic Claas Xerion 5000 Tractor | © Matthias Kuhnt /

Another highlight: The new Lego Technic Claas Xerion 5000 Tractor should be very interesting for all Technic-Fans out there. This vehicle (42054) has many functions – video of the presentation.

So many Lego Technic highlights this time: The Claas Xerion 5000 Tractor is well known, because of his ‚typical colours‘ for example.

I have to say: This model is fantastic, the wheel-functions are great and there are many things to discover: So here we go, another Toy Fair presentation video.

Also online: Lego Technic Bucket Wheel Excavator (42055) – video and images

Keep rollin'! | © Andres Lehmann /

Keep rollin‘! | © Andres Lehmann /

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Andres Lehmann

Einst mit LEGO City und der 12V-Eisenbahn durchgestartet, Sammler von Creator Expert, Ideas, Architecture und City Modellen und baut gerne MOCs, die hoch hinaus gehen.

3 Kommentare Kommentar hinzufügen

  1. Guten Abend,

    Ich hätte mal eine Frage zu dem Claas Traktor.

    Und zwar wollte Ich wissen wieviele Bauteile er hat, und wie teuer dieser wohl werden würde.

    MfG: Christian

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